Senda Bible Institute

Developing Tomorrow's Leaders

Developing Tomorrow's Leaders

Our Mission y Objective

Senda Bible Institute is designed to train the student for the work to which he/she has been called by God. Each person has been gifted by God with a particular calling for the Kingdom. We provide the necessary program of study to prepare you to reach your calling.

SBI distinguishes itself from other Christian institutes for three reasons:

We prepare the student not only in theological knowledge, but also in practical ministerial life so that he can exercise his calling more effectively. This is possible because each concentration focuses on transmitting the tools and knowledge necessary to train and guarantee the student's success.


We expose each student to a variety of classes that contain basic and practical topics necessary for every Christian and future leader. This exposure will give the student the opportunity to experience and confirm their passion before choosing their major or concentration.


Each student will be required to participate in an internship in his or her area of specialization or concentration. This internship will help you apply the principles learned and give you the opportunity to gain supervised experience in your concentration.


Would you like to follow the calling God has given you?

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in SBI. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us. Please note that our office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 4 PM.

(678) 574-0202